Assertiveness in the teaching-learning process mediated by information and communication technologies in secondary school,


  • Fabián Enrique Domínguez Caviedes Instituto Universitario de la Paz


Literature review, teaching, information technologies.


The following pedagogical stand point aims to show a problem that is currently happening in the Institutions of basic, middle and higher education of Barrancabermeja and one could say, boldly, throughout the country. It’s a fact that the information and communication technologies (ICT) have invaded all areas of daily life, and education is no exception. The amount of digital tools and technologies inside and outside of the classroom without any type of strategy and follow-up, it’s pretty common. Computer equipment, projectors, tablets, interactive boards, cell phones, software, etc. But how do we know that they have been used well? To what extent have they been effective in the teaching-learning process? And why do students and teachers continue to blame each other for the low results in tests and in the pedagogical process, if this is being mediated through ICT, which are the modern tools of interaction and under which students who are digital natives, were born into? Finally, the idea is to seek answers to questions such as: Why is the teaching-learning process in Educational Institutions not assertive despite involving ICT as part of the mediation in this process?


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