Extracción y caracterización de aceite de aguacate y desarrollo de cremas cosméticas humectante




This research work tries to value agroindustrial products, using as raw material the pulp of the avocado that is cultivated in the Department of Bolívar mainly in the Carmen de Bolívar. Many people Have a great problem of dry skin due to the high temperatures that are in this region. Therefore, in the present study we propose to elaborate creams Cosmetic moisturizers from oil of the avocado pulp, which contains high levels of polyunsaturated oil including omegas 3 and 6, which serve to keep skin soft and smooth. For this work, three varieties were selected of avocado: Carmero, Papelillo and Hass. The avocado oil was obtained by solvent extraction, then characterized by GC-MS / MS. The extraction with the solvent was found to have high oil yields and good quality. The fatty acid profile Collected in the Carmen de Bolívar, Department of Bolivar, presented of the avocado oils was similar to the Reported in the literature. The Carmero variety avocado oil was characteristics within the ranges established for these oils but with distinctive typologies. The present study aims to evaluate the quality of a cream based on avocado pulp, since to the cataloged information offers an excellent choice to be subtilized in the cosmetic industry, by acquiring infinity of fatty acids present that supplies to the skin moisturizing properties due to the benefits they present, moisturizing cosmetic creams developed with the oils of the three varieties were widely accepted as among the participants in the sensory panels, but their perception could improve according to the type of perfume added and the color type of the cream.



How to Cite

Restrepo Johnson, B. (2021). Extracción y caracterización de aceite de aguacate y desarrollo de cremas cosméticas humectante. CITECSA, 12(19), 44–64. Retrieved from https://revistas.unipaz.edu.co/index.php/revcitecsa/article/view/224