The Optimization of the production system through the study of methods, times, distribution in plant and the 5's for a leather goods factory in Barrancabermeja


  • Daniel Guillermo Díaz Rueda Instituto Universitario de la Paz
  • Ingrid Johana De la Rosa Caviedes Instituto Universitario de la Paz
  • Angelica Cristina Tarazona Galán Instituto Universitario de la Paz
  • Jimmy Rubio Mora Instituto Universitario de la Paz


document formatting; submit-ready manuscript


The improvement of the production system initially involved the realization of a series of diagnoses that allowed to know the reality of the company in terms of work method, distribution of plant and 5's strategies. Then the studies of methods, times and distribution of the plant are developed in order to thoroughly analyze the production characteristics, improve the work method, standardize operation times and determine the physical distribution of the plant. Subsequently proposals for improvement to the processes object of study aimed at the optimization and improvement of the efficiency in the factory. Finally, the implementation of the 5's methodology is implemented as a tool to reduce the waste of resources such as raw material, time, space, equipment and machines. In a process that involved the effort of all the employees of the company, from the manager of the factory to the operators, in a process of continuous improvement and training of organizational culture.


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