Characterization of the health and work conditions of the labor population in the travel and tourism agencies in Barrancabermeja city


  • Ana Milena Sánchez Sandoval Instituto Universitario de la Paz
  • Nelson Quiroga Pérez Instituto Universitario de la Paz
  • Alfredo Gómez Navarro Instituto Universitario de la Paz
  • Adriana Niebles Balanta Instituto Universitario de la Paz


health risk, psychological risk, improvement actions




Barrancabermeja has been developing the tourism sector as an axis for sustainability and economic diversification in the long term, however, the hotel activity does not have information on occupational safety and health (OSH) that allows knowing how it is in this aspect. The objective of this research is to characterize the hotel sector of commune 1 in relation to the OSH conditions of the linked personnel. To do this, a descriptive research with a qualitative approach was applied using the tool of the Second National Survey on Safety and Health at Work in the General System of Occupational Risks [1], through which aspects of a labor nature and personal data of each worker to whom this survey was carried out; the treatment of the information was given by a descriptive statistical process organized in tables and graphs; the study population consisted of 13 hotels in commune 1, the data obtained were compared with studies in other cities of the country or the American continent and the differences in the existing hotel sector of the city were identified with regard to sex, income level, physical and psychological health, conditions of physical infrastructure, machinery and equipment; electrical and biomechanical irrigation. Variables that are highlighted within the conclusions of this study and that the reader can use as references for future studies in the city and measure its evolution, as well as advance in studies aimed at developing improvement actions in the analysis variables of the study.


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